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Grand Lodge of Ohio
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Memories of Warren Lodge # 24
Warren Lodge #24 F&AMO
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What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is the largest and oldest secular fraternal order in the world, crossing all religious boundaries to bring men together of all countries, sects, and opinion in peace and harmony. It is a universal brotherhood, dedicated to serving the divine by service to family, country, and mankind.

Freemasonry is a philosophical organization emphasizing the study of moral symbols to build character. This education is, in part, the foundation of a more profound understanding of mankind and his existence. Living today in a "throw away / mass consumption society", Freemasonry teaches about the value of people and the meaning of relativism over personal individualism. The real nature of Freemasonry is a spiritual force behind each member, improving him or herself morally by associating with other like-minded individuals. Also, Freemasonry acts as a social organization, promoting the interaction between like-minded men within the lodge to build bonds between them. By fostering this brotherhood relationships are made that remain even outside the comforts of the lodge the bonds remain and genuine affection prevails. Wherever traveling, masons meet and greet other masons as brothers as a result of these bonds.

Freemasonry opens men's eyes to the knowledge that the road to happiness is found in the journey to the perfection of the spirit, intellect & soul, to strive to his fullest potential. Differing from religious institutions, Freemasonry sees all men as equal, not drawing division to beliefs. Fellow Freemasons are regarded as brothers because of the rituals of Freemasonry, which have remained virtually unchanged for many hundred years. By accepting men of all faiths, together in Freemasonry, they learn and teach the truths of morality, justice, patriotism and brotherly love. All expressed through reverence to the divine Great Architect of the Universe.


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